“The opaque glance and the pimples. The fancy new nakedness they’re all dressed up in with no place to go. The eyes full of secrets they have a strong hunch everybody is on to. The shadowed brow. Being not quite a child and not quite a grown-up either is hard word, and they look it. Living in two worlds at once is no picnic.”Frederick Buechner – Whistling in the Dark
“Adolescence is…a stage between infancy and adultery.”Abrose Bierce – Devil’s Dictionary
“Adults tend to treat adolescents as ‘big kids’ or ‘little adults’. They are neither. Yes they are both. Adults must work to respect and honour the unique challenges and opportunities of this age ‘between the times’.”Richard Dunn – Putting Youth Ministry in Perspective
“Jesus was once a teenager, but he was never an adolescent.”Donald Joy