Latest developments from Pip:
- Latest Stats: I now weigh 2.4kg/5.2lbs and measure 46.2cm / 18.1 inches (that’s one and a half school rulers). Nearly ready to pop out ;o) #
- Mummy & Daddy can now occasionally see my elbows, feet & head protruding from Mummy’s stomach when I stretch and squirms about. #
- The wall of Mummy’s tummy is now thinner and there’s more light coming in. I’ve started to develop my own daily routine… #
- I am now sporting full-length fingernails & toenails and have a fully developed pair of kidneys. My liver can also process some waste. Nice! #
- We’ve been checked out by the midwife again and everything is fine. I’m the right size and in the right position. Mummy has put on 1 stone. #
- I’m now moving much less cos there’s less space in here, but I get hiccups more frequently. It’s fun when people come over to feel them. #