School wasn’t my favourite time for lots of reasons, but I can look back on it now with fond memories. In preparation for an event we’re organising to celebrate, encourage & commission Christian teachers, I’ve been reflecting on some school memories, and in particular, some of my teachers.During my first school & middle school years I had some excellent teachers who made learning fun (and some who made it not even seem like learning!), but the teachers who really stand out are mostly from my time in secondary school. I won’t say too much here, as I’ll be sharing some of the stories during the event: for now let’s just say one was referred to as ‘the Hobbit’, one was ‘fit as!’ and another (supply teacher) went on to become leader of MK Council…During the event we’d like to include anecdotes & stories of teachers (and support workers) who really stood out during your school life, who had a significant positive impact on you, andDo you have a story to share?
- perhaps you can think of a member of staff who has had a lasting impact on you: a teacher, dinner lady, secretary, caretaker, or librarian…
- maybe there’s a specific incident you can recall from your school day where you were inspired by an individual…
- or have you kept in contact with one of your former teachers, and become friends over time…
There is a huge amount of excellent work being done in schools by great teachers & support workers. Can you spare a few minutes to share your story and perhaps in turn inspire them? Please add it as a comment below, or drop me an email: